Going for broke

There are times in our lives when we have to face our fears, push past all boundaries, and pursue our goals with tenacity and determination.  Today (5th April) is dedicated to “going for broke,” putting it all out there......facing the unknown. If you’ve ever had anything you’ve ever wanted to try, anything you’ve ever been afraid to do, this is the day to finally push past that boundary and just go for it!  We’re all...Read More

Everything Eucalyptus

Did you receive a delightfully smelling sprig of eucalyptus in your mother’s day floral arrangement? It’s hard to ignore the increasing presence of eucalyptus being used in table and floral arrangements but did you know that its oil offers a wide range of topical and aromatic benefits. This healing oil is a natural antiseptic, decongestant and disinfectant with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A great all rounder. Learn all about the many beauty, wellness and household...Read More

Do we need soap?

Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. The symptoms of Coronavirus are, a cough, high temperature and shortness of breath. However these symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, make sure you check the symptoms and up-to-date information provided by the government and health officials. It is proven that the best way to prevent transmission of Coronavirus is by washing your hands, thoroughly,...Read More

Wet spots

I’ve been making candles for some time and those who know me well will say I’m a perfectionist when it comes to candles burning correctly. The dreaded glass adhesion/wet spots has been something that has always concerned me. From speaking with many of my friends, they don’t seem to mind the odd ‘blemish’ look of the glass/wax, and larger companies don’t mind either. So why does it bother me so much? It has no effect...Read More

Go-Bot RoBot

Another Monday another littlebookswappers adventure with Rachel from Reading & Beyond. This weeks theme and book was Michael Recycle, all about reusing, reducing waste and recycling! The boys had an amazing adventure drawing, painting, splashing around in shaving foam and recycling bits of packaging into new toys. Adam made ‘Go-Bot’ his robot made from cardboard boxes, tubes and cups. He was so pleased with his invention, his little face beamed with pride!! When we arrived...Read More


I don’t work on Mondays – I spend time with my boys. So yesterday we returned to our favourite activity and book swapping group run by Rachel at Reading and Beyond. For health reasons we hadn’t been to the group since December, we had become hermits and hadn’t been going out much, but as there was a little twinkle of sun in the sky we decided to walk down to our local church hall and...Read More

Ready, Set, Go……

When I dreamt of being a business owner I didn’t realise what I was letting myself in for. From as early as I can remember I felt I didn’t fit in, I wasn’t the most popular, I wasn’t good at singing (something I thought I was, but it turns out I was tone deaf and only dogs could hear me sing,) I wasn’t trendy….the list goes on. My early life I felt I did everything...Read More