Go-Bot RoBot

Another Monday another littlebookswappers adventure with Rachel from Reading & Beyond. This weeks theme and book was Michael Recycle, all about reusing, reducing waste and recycling! The boys had an amazing adventure drawing, painting, splashing around in shaving foam and recycling bits of packaging into new toys.

Adam made ‘Go-Bot’ his robot made from cardboard boxes, tubes and cups. He was so pleased with his invention, his little face beamed with pride!! When we arrived home we collected all our waste bits and bobs and made RoBot town – which is still a work in progress, but after Adam glued sequins in my hair we decided to finish our craft work for the day.

Go-Bot RoBot
Adams robot named – GoBot

Recycling and using recycled packaging/products is part of my small business ethos. I take great pride in sourcing materials to make and present my products from carefully selected companies. Recycled glass, recycled plastics, recycled cardboard – I’m trying to do my bit! Plus I offer my bespoke reuse/recycle service where you can return your candle jars and tins or beauty products bottles, jars and packaging to me where you can swap them for a brand new product for a reduced cost and I will sterilise and reuse your returned items, my little way of helping to reduce waste, and helping our great planet.

My new cardboard tubes have been carefully sourced as the company supports onetreeplanted.org. They support reforestation around the world. This helps offset carbon emissions, whilst supporting communities, providing jobs and helping with climate regulation. We can all do our small parts to make a big difference.

Go-Bot RoBot

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